Tuscarawas Valley Board of Education
Front: Vice-President Sally Green, Former Member Katy Johnson, President Amy BurrierBack: Treasurer Mark Phillips, Dick Gooding, Ben Overton, Superintendent Dr. Derek Varansky
The Tuscarawas Valley Local Board of Education's major function is policy-making in nature. It formulates operating policies concerning employment of all personnel, pupil personnel, education programs, finance, building porgrams, instructional materials, and public relations. The Board also employs the Superintendent, who in turn provides leadership to the administrative team, working within the limits of board policy and state statutes.
Parents and residents are cordially invited to attend board meetings. The Tuscarawas Valley Board of Education meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Tusky Valley Elementary Trojan Center. If you would like to participate in public participation at a Board meeting, you must register your intention to participate within two (2) business days before the meeting and indicate the nature or subject you will be speaking on. Each statement made by a participant is limited to three (3) minutes. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic.
The Tuscarawas Valley Board, in compliance with the "Sunshine Law", conducts all of its business at a public meeting and deals with only personnel matters or negotiations in Executive Session, if necessary. Many questions or concerns on the part of parents, students, or residents may be resolved by contacting the appropriate administrative office.